That 6-Letter Word

Episode 16: Liya & Alula's Story

Episode Summary

On this week's episode, we sat down with the fabulous Liya Shuster-Bier! Liya has experienced cancer as a caregiver, a patient, and now, as a 33-year-old two-time survivor of primary mediastinal b-cell lymphoma. Throughout both her own and her mother’s experience with cancer, Liya recognized that there were gaps in the cancer-care market and decided to take action. On January 11, 2021 - her 3-year cancerversary - Liya launched Alula, a radically honest resource on a mission to make cancer less lonely. Alula helps people, families, and friends through the entire lifecycle of cancer, from diagnosis and treatment, to recovery, survivorship and bereavement. The platform offers everything from a marketplace of products curated by patients and guided by medical experts, to a library of content that centralizes all of the information you need to know on how to live with cancer. We are so excited to share Liya & Alula's story!

Episode Notes

Alula -